
Does A Us Company Working As A Dependent Contractor In Ontario Have To Register

Activity  #1

Page 37

Practice A

1    Subsidiary —–east) a visitor which is at least half-owned past another visitor

two   Factory/plant ——–h) a large building or group of buildings where goods are made (using machinery)

three   Call center ——-— a) an office where people answer questions and make sales over the phone

iv   Service center  ——–– d) a place where faulty products are mended

5   Headquarters ———-–f) the main role or building of a company

six   Distribution centre ——–b) A edifice from which goods or supplies are sent to factories, shops and customers

7   Warehouse ———–- g) a edifice for storing goods in large quantities

8   Outlet ————— c) a place through which products are sold


* Stock levels accept been low for 2 weeks at present.—-> Warehouse

* Why do we always have to check with the pairing company before making decisions? ——–> Subsidiary

* Yes, that's fine. If you could just hold on a minute, I'll need to transfer you to a supervisor ——–> Call Center

* We demand to deliver this consignment on Friday.—————> Distribution Middle

* The production line is operating at full capacity.—————–> Manufactory / institute

* Tin you e-postal service head part as soon equally possible and notice out about the designs for the new window displays.——————> Headquarters

* I am afraid all our engineers are out working on repairs at the moment.—————> Service Center

PAGE 38-39



Do A

Co-ordinate with paragraph 1, I recollect that the best definition for PERKS is:

a)happiness and conviction in the workplace

Practice B

4- the Google'southward objective is to make its  workplace experience fun.

five-Intellectual challenge and interesting of staff

6-intellectual activity and independence equally a policy

seven-Have goals clear and keep the learning


ane Google promotes the idea of staff getting together.


2 Every month, managers get money to build teamwork or advantage staff.


3 Xc per cent of Google Italian republic workers thought it was a friendly place to work


4 The furniture in Google offices is unlike to that in most offices.


v The work is challenging, and y'all need a university degree to work there


half dozen Employees know what their objectives are and have the freedom to achieve them


7 Employees have the opportunity to listen to well-known or important authors.




Which four areas does 8002 & Co look at when analysing a company's organisation?

1-Formal arrangement

2-The decision rights

3-The information flows

4-The incentives

Exercise B

i What do yous demand to answer on the website

They have a survey tool

2 What are your answers compared to?

They compare the answer with foty thousand other executives

3 What can the comparison recognise?

we can recognize patterns

4 How does Booz & Co analyse a company in more depth?

They organise workshops with all executives into particular aspects


1 How was the American company organised?

The global american company was organised by role

2 What did Manufacturing and Marketing practise?

manufacturing had responsibility for all the plants around the world, marketing  all the brands in every country

3 What was the company non very good at?

at responding to the local markets.

4 How did the consultants desire to alter the organisation?

They want to move the geographically organisation.


 Nosotros did a lot of looking at how the business . operated .' . where products were. made . . . . . where they were . .shipped …..J . how competitors were . organised . .• . And we also had to spend a lot of time thinking about whether we needed …. regional ..organization . . : or whether every single business unit would report back to the . . . . headquarters . .  er in the US.

Folio 41

Exercise A

Track 27- d)Greeting someone and talking about the past / changes

Runway 28 – c) Introducing yourself and giving information about your visitor

Track 29 – b) Introducing another person

Exercise B

1) Which of these expressions practice yous hear?

a) Nice to run into y'all again.: ok ………………………… e) I changed my job final year.:ok

b) Fine. thanks. :ok …………………………………….. d) How well-nigh yous? :ok

f) I'm in banking now.:ok

2) Who is Head of Marketing?  - Alex

3) Who at present works in Finance?  - Maria

Do C

Bob Danvers

Company ...........

Activeness ...............

Karin Schmidt

Company ............

Activeness ...............

Exercise D

Bob : Well, nosotros're basically an Outsourcing  ' business. We supply companies and organisations with various services including IT, office equipment ', travel and even cleaning services.

Karin : I see. And is it a new company?

Bob  :   No, we're well established. The company was founded .' in the mid-1980s, and we've been growing speedily ever since. It'due south organised into 4 .......... We accept over 7,000 employees  ' ; we've got our headquarters ' in London and office  ' in New York, Cape Town and Sydney - so nosotros're pretty big.


Page 44


Newspapers are ane example of an advertising medium. Tin can you remember of others?

Radio, Internet, Idiot box, Press.


 Look at these words. Label each discussion ane for 'advertising media', ii for'methods of advertizing' or 3 for 'verbs to exercise with advertising'.

Advertorials ........................ 2        Endorse ......................... 2          Indicate-of-auction ................... one

Sponsor ............................... 3        banner ads ................... 2           Exhibitions ...................... i

pop-ups ............................... 1         sponsorship ................. 2           billboards (AmE)/ ........... ane

free samples ...................... ii         posters .......................... 2           Target .............................. 2

hoardings (BrE) ................. 1          Cyberspace ........................ i            printing ............................... ane

television  .......................... 1         cinema .......................... i           leaflets/flyers ..................ane

production placement ........... ii         viral advertisement .......... two           commercials ...................2

Outdoor advertising ......... ii         radio .............................. 1           communicate ................ iii

Place .................................. 3           Run .............................. 3


Which of the methods do y'all connect to which media?


Television - commercials

  • internet - viral ad

  • point fo sale - free samples

  • Exhibitions - endorse

  • outdoor advertising - leaftles / flyers

  • printing - banner ads

  • cinema - product placement

  • pop pus - billboards

  • radio - comunicate


Cull the nigh suitable words to consummate these sentences_

1 A lot of cosmetics companies requite away free samples and so that customers can try the production before they buy.

2 Advertizement companies spend a lot of money on creating clever slogans that are brusque and memorable, such as the message for Nike: 'Just do it'.

three Celebrity endorsement is a technique that is very popular in advertising at the moment.

4 If news about a production comes to you by word of the printing the Internet, someone tells y'all about it rather than you seeing an advertising.

5 Many companies utilise post and electronic mailshots because they tin target a particular group of consumers all at the same time.

Folio 48


A publicity stunt    ---------------------------- This is a singular countable noun

A squad of skydivers --------------------------- This is a singular countable substantive

An entire 3 minute 20 second pause  --------  For introduce new data

A live skydiving jump ------------------------- Use a before of consonants


In the commencement two paragraphs of the article, which specific examples of the post-obit are referred to?

  • A live advertising


  1. The Knowledge of advertisement code of practice is vital to those wishing to work in the advertisement manufacture.

  2.  We want to film a Tv commercial in Russia.

  3.  The 'Think pocket-sized' Volkswagen Beetle advertizing was 1 of nigh successful advertisement campaigns of 20th century.

  4. The Four major brands - AOL, Yahoo!, Freeserve and BT - all accomplish awareness of over 40% among UK adult population.

  5. The Side by side year, I am going to work for an advertising bureau in U.s.a..


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