
What Is A Practicing Registered Nurse

Registered Nurses (RN) take completed at least an Associate's Degree in Nursing and are now licensed by the State to practise nursing. However, many hospitals and healthcare facilities prefer a BSN; this is one of the reason why the RN to BSN program has become then popular for electric current working nurses. Following the State'southward Scope of Practice and completing an internship program will ensure the RN is on his or her way to a successful career. Just exactly what to RN's do and where do they work?

What Do RNs Practise?

A standard set of skills is learned in nursing school and every RN knows how to do these certain things upon graduation. The school, and once licensed, the State, feels confident in the nurse's power to perform these tasks. Upon graduation and passing the NCLEX-RN exam every registered nurse is expected to be skillful and comfortable with these skills.

Standard skills sets include, just are not limited to:

  • Administering and monitoring medications
  • Inserting, managing, and discontinuing intravenous catheters and intraurethral catheters
  • Developing a plan of care for each patient
  • Proper assessment and direction of all patient populations with appropriate intervention
  • Take vital signs, recognize and accost abnormalities
  • Admitting and discharging a patient safely and appropriately
  • Accurate documentation
  • Rubber patient transfers into and out of bed and chair
  • Perform basic life support (BLS)
  • Wound intendance
  • Feeding, dressing, and performing hygiene
  • Ensuring patient safety, commonly known every bit 'practise no harm,' or nonmaleficence, which is the primal rule of nursing

No matter which specialty the nurse chooses the standard skills learned in nursing school will be used in simply near every healthcare setting. Interning at a facility and learning a new specialty will require the nurse to add together to this standard skill set and broaden his or her repertoire of knowledge and skills.

RN Task Description

An integral role of the healthcare team, the registered nurse ensures that each patient receives straight care that is conducted within the standards of intendance and hospital policies. While jobs do vary from clinic to clinic, most tasks that an RN is asked to perform volition await like this:

*Please note that every RN must accept an agile nursing license in expert continuing for the state in which they reside and practice. Licensure is the first pace in a lifelong and satisfying professional person career path in healthcare.

  • Performs nursing visits within scope of practise and assists with developing group visits with manager and providers.
  • Demonstrates the appropriate knowledge and skills to coordinate and evaluate patient care
  • Works proactively every bit part of a squad with physicians, professionals and staff members
  • Exhibits upstanding practice with policies and procedures in nursing care at all times
  • Is skillful at integrating and enforcing regulatory requirements in relation to nursing
  • Is able to record and maintain appropriate documentation for records keeping practices
  • Is able to follow physician's written orders
  • Arranges further medical attending as required by patients and advocates
  • Maintains patient confidentiality while develop professional person and positive relationships with patients, advocates and family unit members
  • Is committed to professional evolution, including current practices for OSHA and seclusion and restraint training
  • Possesses adequate computer experience to complete daily duties as well as process health records
  • Coordinates critical results in a timely manner
  • Can interpret documents at a high level of accurateness
  • Possesses excellent communication skills

A senior registered nurse often has an expanded scope of duties or an authoritative role as a charge nurse, nurse midwife, nurse practitioner, or other APRN specialty. All the roles require an RN license in adept standing every bit well as several years' feel, extended schooling and professional development to meet the requirements of the role and manage reporting staff. Jobs vary between jurisdictions and venues merely a senior RN will likely encounter the following tasks in their chore:

  • Provides oversight to medical assistants and ADNs to ensure patient intendance
  • Attends meetings, prepares reports, and assists in example management
  • Manages staff workloads; adjusts staffing to see patient need
  • Mentors others in safe nursing patient care
  • Serves as a consultant, advocate and intermediary for patients, caregivers and infirmary staff
  • Is an intuitive and experienced managing director of chronic intendance conditions who puts forth bear witness-based solutions
  • Manages a variety of concurrent programs and projects effectively
  • Models apply of time, equipment and supplies to colleagues and patients for maximum effectiveness
  • Guides staff to perform procedures as per the patient intendance framework
  • Promotes progressive learning and development as well as proactive and positive cognition transfer.
  • Takes a proactive leadership function to resolve patient and family situations when consulted by junior nurses or staff
  • Creates processes and with authorisation, assigns them to teams and individuals
  • Is a model for commitment of care and excellence in customer service
  • Experience with quality improvement or standards activities is preferred.
  • Demonstrates an ability to use computer engineering science to capture, manage, analyze, report, and present data.
  • Has excellent analytical and problem solving abilities.
  • Has an agreement of health administration database processes and structures
  • Is able to work effectively under pressure and with deadlines

RN Telescopic of Practice

The Registered Nurse, or RN, is required to follow the Scope of Practice every bit mandated by each land. The nursing Scope of Practice is defined by the American Nurses Association (ANA) equally, "the 'who,' 'what,' 'where,' 'when,' and 'how' of nursing." It provides a legal definition of what nurses can and cannot do, legally.

Once the RN passes the NCLEX-RN and accepts licensure in a country he or she agrees to follow the Telescopic of Practice for that land. This is a legal and upstanding requirement and the RN is held, by the State, to this standard. This is important because of the many areas of nursing and the many types of employers a RN may have.

The RN is covered, legally, past the state's Scope of Practice and not necessarily by the job description or employer policies and procedures. These may concur up to some extent in a court of law but it is more often than not understood that the Telescopic of Exercise is the standard for nurses. No policy or procedure should inquire nurse to step outside of the state'south Scope of Practice.

One time the RN specializes in a sure area, such as, aesthetic nursing, the ANA in conjunction with each specialty organization offers resources to promote understanding of the individual Scope of Practice. Certification in a specialty surface area is a style to further the RNs legal responsibilities as each certification has it's own Scope of Practice. It ensures competency in a new skill set to which the RN is now legally held.

For example, an inexperienced new graduate RN is non allowed, by land Scope of Practice, to perform laser hair removal. This makes sense considering the new graduate RN has had no grooming in schoolhouse to perform this task. Only if the RN is hired by laser hair removal clinic, trained, and certified to perform this task, he or she is now covered by the Scope of Exercise to perform this skill. Additionally, the general skill set of nonmaleficence is promoted considering it ensures that an inexperienced RN without whatsoever training will non exist performing laser hair removal on a patient, hence, doing 'no harm.'

Another example, the new graduate would non be qualified to monitor a patient with an Intraventricular Device, which are placed for patients with traumatic encephalon injuries, because the RN has had no training with such devices and is non competent in this skill directly out of school. But one time the RN is hired and trained to monitor a patient with this device he or she is now covered under the Scope of Practice. Later, the employer may crave certification to promote learning and concur the RN to the high-standard of that certifying body, the American Association of Critical Care Nurses.

These are ii examples of employers for registered nurses, only where else can RNs piece of work?

RELATED: Scope of Do vs Telescopic of Employment

How Is Scope of Practice Determined for Nurses?

Each state's Nurse Practice Deed (NPA) is determined through the Boards of Nursing. As states are responsible to protect the public, nurse boards are charged with ensuring nurses practice within defined laws of practice.

Ignorance of the law is non an excuse to not follow the Nurse Practice Act. Nurses are responsible to know the details of the NPA in usa where they exercise. Nurses can be held accountable when they, fifty-fifty mistakenly, violate NPA standards. For instance, certain states require a nurse to study a driving while under the influence (DUI) violation. If non reported to the Lath of Nursing, a nurse may face disciplinary activeness through the board.

Each country's NPA is governed and enacted by that state'southward legislature. Because the NPA is non detailed or sufficient enough to stand lonely, the boards of nursing were created to farther define and interpret laws around the NPA. Each Board of Nursing (BON) may enact more stringent laws related to the NPA, but may non go beyond the boundaries of the human action. Each BON reports to the National Council of Land Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) who oversees the laws and standards.

According to the NCSBN, each state'southward Nurse Practice Act linguistic communication must include:

  • Authority, power, and composition of a state nursing board
  • Education program standards
  • Standards and telescopic of nursing practice
  • Types and titles of licenses
  • Requirements for licensure
  • Grounds for disciplinary action, other violations, and remediation

The NCSB collaborates with many nursing authorities to set, revise, and define nursing practise. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), the American Nurse Association (ANA), the American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE), and the National League for Nursing (NLN) are some of the major players used to interpret regulations and make up one's mind standards of intendance.

A Standard of Care is different than a Scope of Practice. Standard of Care refers to care that is performed in consistence with other nurses of similar didactics, competency, and feel. Nursing practice and standards of care are often referenced together. For instance, professional organizations such equally the American Nursing Association publish authoritative statement documents, past interpreting the NPA and Standards of Practice, to define the overall exercise of nursing.

As the practice of nursing requires knowledge, skill, and democratic decision making, the Nurse Do Act is the law that governs those decisions to protect the community from harm. Nurses are expected to know the NPA for the state in which they practise. The NCSB's Scope of Practice Controlling Framework tool is a useful tool nurses can utilize to decide nursing practice responsibilities.

What's the Difference Betwixt ADN and BSN Nurses?

Choosing which degree plan to pursue to get a registered nurse tin exist challenging. An associate'south degree is the minimal degree required to piece of work as an RN. For the nigh function, community colleges offer ADN degrees. Choosing the ADN route might exist a desirable option due to:

  • Toll - Vocational schools and community colleges offer ADN programs and tend to exist less expensive than iv-year universities
  • Time - Typically, ADN programs are considered "two-yr" programs. This benefits those who hope to get out into the workforce as soon equally possible. Vocational schools sometimes have "fast-rails" ADN programs that let students to attend school year-round, while other schools have winter or summertime breaks.
  • Personal Goals - Many educatee nurses are content working as bedside nurses, and not necessarily wanting to pursue advanced-caste nursing or direction, which would require a BSN to get-go. Or, the educatee may hope to get an advanced-exercise nurse, managing director, or educator, merely wishes to become started as soon equally possible to build clinical skills and pursue a higher degree later.

Students who cull the BSN road can await to spend around four years in school. Four-yr universities also tend to take a higher tuition cost. However, students may choose the BSN path if:

  • They are unsure if they'd like to pursue a higher caste at some indicate, but would like to earn a BSN to shorten hereafter educational paths
  • They ultimately would like to go into management, education, administration, or research

ADN vs. BSN is a topic many nursing students wonder about when choosing a program. There is no definitive answer every bit to which is "better," equally organizations differ in their requirements. RN positions will normally state which degree is the minimum requirement, and some may indicate a "BSN is preferred." Some organizations will hire ADN nurses, but require them to obtain a BSN after hire. Some will also assist with the toll of a BSN program. Today, RN to BSN programs are quite common and brand obtaining college nursing education easier than ever. Students are encouraged to research nearby organizations to identify the hiring requirements for RNs.

As far as clinical ability, many would argue at that place is no difference between an ADN nurse and BSN nurse who are performing the same bedside-nurse job. However, some would say that BSN nurses are more efficient, well-rounded, and better prepared for the RN role. These perceptions are difficult to show, as they are subjective. Many ADN nurses can work circles effectually BSN nurses, and vice-versa-information technology depends on the nurse.

Whether a pupil chooses an ADN or a BSN program, it'due south important to recognize which is in need in their nearby facilities or organizations that they hope to piece of work for. It's also essential to ensure that whichever degree they decide to pursue is earned from an accredited institution.

Will I Exist Able to Observe an RN Job Without a BSN Degree?

For now, yes. The demand for registered nurses is very high and healthcare facilities need ADN-educated nurses to make full the demand.

However, the nursing shortage has been in upshot for years, and to help fill up the void, a call for more nurses to enter the field has been heard and responded to in massive numbers. Many, many nursing students accept completed nursing programs and have entered the field of nursing, and many more are in the procedure of doing so. This is creating a shift for the hiring managers of healthcare facilities.

Healthcare facilities are now privileged to take a large number of qualified registered nurses to interview and hire. This allows managers to be more selective and choose candidates who accept college levels of education or a strong desire to earn a Bachelor's degree within a few years of employment. In addition to this, many healthcare organizations are get-go to use the BSN equally a minimum qualification for the RNs they rent. In short, ADN-educated RNs are absolutely able to find jobs in the field, but they may notice employment options more than limited than their BSN-educated counterparts, and this may go a more prominent trend going forrard.

Where Do RNs Work?

Registered nurses have the unique ability to basically choose the blazon of workplace which best suites his or her ideal environment, usually this happens through trial and error and years of experience.

The RN tin can work in an environment with pretty curtains and a nice waiting room to a rough-and- tumble county hospital whose principal patient populations are inmates and homeless people. He or she may adopt clean and fresh patients who come from home and take a minor elective process or a not-so-fresh patient who was found unconscious in the street and is now barely hanging on for honey life.


  • Emergency Room arguably the well-nigh fast-paced and dynamic department a RN could choose to work, a twenty-four hours in the ER is never the same twice. Patient populations can be very different depending on the location and size of the hospital
  • Intensive Intendance Unit this section requires perfection, attending to detail, and a stiff sense of cocky to tolerate some of the emotional highs and lows the RN will experience. Large hospitals volition have more than one type of ICU:
    • Neurological ICU for patients with a traumatic brain injury of some variation
    • Cardiac ICU for patients who have had cardiac surgery or cardiac catheterization procedure, or post-myocardial infarction, etc
    • Medical ICU for patients with sepsis, withdrawal from a substance, stroke, MI, active gastrointestinal bleeding, etc
    • Trauma ICU for patients who take sustained injuries due to a motor vehicle crash, fall, attempted homicide, attempted suicide, drowning, etc
    • Burn ICU for patients with a large surface surface area of fire injury, the RN manages wounds, treats sepsis, and maintains the patient'due south airway, among other responsibilities
    • Pediatric ICU for children or adolescents with life-threatening injuries or diseases, the RN sees miraculous recoveries too as heartbreaking loss of children
    • Neonatal ICU for infants with life-threatening injuries or diseases, like the Pediatric ICU, the RN will experience dramatic highs and lows and requires a strong emotional core to prevent burnout
  • Flooring patients are admitted to the flooring for monitoring and treatment of a stable diagnosis which could deterioration to unstable and crave transfer to a higher level of intendance, such as the intensive care unit. RNs on the floor must be amazing at assessment and rapidly answer to an emergent situation. Flooring patient care can exist hard due to high ratios, short staffing including having enough certified nursing assistants, and the fact that, many floor patients are not on telemetry monitoring
  • Medical-Surgical is for patients who have had surgery and are stable or have a stable medical diagnosis which may become worse, this unit of measurement has a practiced mix of patients and is often preferred by new RN graduates for it'south broad array of experiences
  • Orthopaedics is for patients who have sustained a bone fracture and/or need surgery to repair or replace a bone or joint. Common diagnoses for this population is Total Knee joint or Hip Arthroplasty. The RN helps to rehabilitate and teach this patient about new mobility standards, etc, which must happen for the patient to transfer to home
  • Oncology is for patients who have some grade of cancer, many are receiving chemotherapy and/or radiation or preparing for a bone marrow transplant, which can crave a very long hospital admission. RNs on this unit will experience many emotional highs and lows, so it requires a RN with a strong emotional core.
  • Telemetry is for patients with a new or previous diagnosis of a cardiac dysrhythmia, cardiac complication, or accept undergone a cardiac surgery. Some telemetry patients are existence treated for a different condition only require monitoring of their eye because of a preexisting condition. A telemetry technician is assigned to monitor the EKG'southward and notify the RN of an abnormality. RNs on this unit of measurement must be quick-thinking and sympathize appropriate cardiac interventions.
  • Mother/Baby requires the RN to take care of newborns and post-delivery mothers. This unit is fast-paced and requires quick-thinking and stiff assessment skills to monitor for hemorrhage and deterioration of either mom or baby. This nursing part requires the RN to treat 2 patients every bit a set.
  • Psychiatric Unit patients are admitted for mental illness and disease, either temporary or permanent. RNs will exist able to explore a broad range of skills relating to mental behavioral health.
  • Operating Room RNs will treat patients who crave surgery, at that place are 3 areas of the operating room available to RNs
    • Pre-OP, or before surgery, involves the RN obtaining a medical and social history, documenting personal belongings, and preparing the patient for surgery
    • Peri-OP, or during surgery, involves the RN profitable or circulating the operating room while the patient is under anesthesia
    • Mail-Op, or after surgery/recovery room, involves the RN recovering the patient from anesthesia and ensuring the patient's airway and hemodynamics are monitored appropriately while intervening equally necessary
  • Labor and Delivery RNs help in delivering babies and everything that comes earlier and goes after this procedure. RNs in this area will exist working in a fast-paced environment with very high stakes as the birthing process can rapidly escalate to an emergency or surgery. Especially skilful cess skills and recognition to a developing crisis is required.
  • Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory RNs assist the cardiac surgeon with cardiac catheterization procedures, including cardiac stent placement, intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) placement, etc. Patients during the process are nether anesthesia and crave intensive monitoring. This patient population has often just experienced a myocardial infarction and was transferred emergently to repair the blocked vessel.
  • Radiology RNs perform CT and MRI scans, and X-rays. RN'due south frequently inject angiography dye or administer barium for specialized exams.
  • Interventional Radiology (IR) the RN in this section assists the doctor with procedures such every bit central line placement, nasojejeunal tube placement, PEG tube placement into the stomach, colostomy insertion, etc. The RN is required to fix-up the IR room like to how an operating room is prepared.
  • Wound Care Department the Wound Care RN is specially trained in caring for wounds of various types, colors, and causes. Bedside nurses consult this RN for complex wound care and recommendations every bit well as Wound Vac initiation and management. RNs in this section should enjoy wound care and are rewarded by the improvement of wounds it's contribution to overall patient health.
  • Rapid Response Team is comprised of specialized RNs who are experienced and competent in rapid patient assessment and intervention for the deteriorating patient. A Rapid Response, or RRT, is called on the overhead loudspeaker at hospitals by non-disquisitional care nurses who take adamant a patient is deteriorating and needs immediate aid. This is washed when the patient is still breathing and has a heartbeat, and so information technology is non a Code Blue. RRTs will sometimes become a Code Blue if the patient continues to deteriorate and the RRT squad needs additional assistance.

Nursing Education Department

For experienced RNs who are gifted at pedagogy others and strive to develop new policies and procedures for hospitals to ensure splendid patient care is provided by everyone. The Nurse Educator often teaches new graduate RNs during the internship program upon hire.

Skilled Nursing Facilities

Skilled Nursing Facilities are popular for new graduates to, "get their feet wet." In these facilities, new RNs tin can become excellent at an efficient and timely medication "pass," wound assessment and care, mobility transfers, plan of intendance, terminate-of-life, patients who crave special retentiveness intendance who have dementia or Alzheimer's disease, care of family members, and get the nuts of how the healthcare system functions from a nursing perspective. Many patients in skilled nursing facilities have deteriorating diseases and require comfort until finish of life.

Rehabilitation Facilities

Rehabilitation Facilities are sometimes housed within Skilled Nursing Facilities nevertheless the acuity of the this population is college and requires more RN attention. A patient is normally admitted from the infirmary to rehabilitate prior to returning dwelling house. They may take experienced a total genu replacement, myocardial infarction (MI, or heart attack), cerebrovascular accident (CVA, or stroke), deconditioned from astringent sepsis, or any disease process which caused weakness and an inability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs).

Psychiatric Facilities

Psychiatric Facilities admit patients with a main diagnosis of some sort of mental illness or disease and who are unable to perform activities of daily living. They may be admitted temporarily as a span to discharging back habitation while psychiatric medications are adjusted or for suicide prevention monitoring or permanently to monitor for safety. Patients may as well exist prisoners who are declared mentally incompetent and unsuitable for prison. RNs in this surface area enjoy a dynamic and complex patient population.

Land Prisons

Country Prisons oft boast high pay and great benefits while promising condom for nurses from inmates. Guards are nowadays for all inmate/patient interactions and RNs must exist quick-thinking and possess excellent assessment skills to determine if the patient requires hospitalization.

Outpatient Clinics

Outpatient clinics, such equally urgent intendance, ensure the RN volition experience a wide variety of illness and affliction and must be keenly aware of patients requiring a college level of care. Patients presenting to clinics oft crave hospitalization once vital signs are checked or if the condition deteriorates speedily.

Medico Offices

Physician Offices usually offer a "normal" schedule of nine-5 and 5-days a calendar week without requiring nights or weekends. The RN in this setting enjoys patients who are well enough to bring themselves to a doctor office and may simply require vaccinations or adjustment of medications. Depending on the blazon of practice, the RN may aid the dr. with procedures or notice exams, besides as collect vital signs, the patient's medical/social history, and anything else required within the Scope of Practice.

Aesthetic Clinics

Artful clinics include the RN becoming trained, certified, and proficient in procedures such as Botox injections, laser hair removal, trunk sculpting, tattoo laser removal treatments, etc. The RN in this setting appreciates "well" patients who want cosmetic procedures. Like a physician'southward office, the hours in this setting are "normal" equally opposed to the hospital setting of 12-60 minutes shifts, including some weekends and possibly requires night shifts.

Telephone Triage

Telephone Triage, otherwise known as the "nurses line," is usually a service of insurance companies to determine if a patient needs to meet a doctor or be hospitalized. The patient calls the Telephone Triage RN and states his or her condition, symptoms, etc, and the RN determines, based on protocols, what the patient should do. This position can be very challenging and interesting and the RN appreciates the dynamic nature of the setting. Gaining experience in nursing prior to working in this role may be all-time.

Learn more about how a phone triage nurse advises patients and the difficulty of assessing patients for telephone triage nurses.

Organ Procurement Coordinator

Organ Procurement Coordinator is ofttimes a RN who is specially trained in bridging the transplant of donor organs to recipients. While this position is not specific to RNs many Organ Procurement Organizations hire critical care RNs because part of the job requirements are to manage a brain dead patient who is always admitted to the ICU and intubated. The RN must take a leadership role and guide hospitals along the donation process then facilitate organ transplant with transplant centers. They speak with families to obtain or non obtain consent and often experience many surprises along the manner.

Travel Nurses

Travel Nurses piece of work in almost any area previously mentioned simply are outside of their habitation land. The Travel RN works with a travel nurse visitor and accepts xiii-week contracts in facilities across the county. This RN enjoys experiencing new places and people and loves alter and learning new things. This position oft boasts a higher salary due to taxation breaks and urgency of hospitals.

While RNs tin work in various settings the bottom line is to care for people who demand assist and crusade no impairment in doing so. RN school will teach the nurse how to be safe using a standard set of skills and practise nether the state'south Telescopic of Practice. The RN is responsible for ensuring an employer is not requiring a task that is outside of his or her scope.

A full general rule of thumb is that if the RN is uncomfortable with something he or she should stop and inquire someone or check the Scope of Do and policies and procedures before moving forrard. Existence scared of hurting someone, for both new graduates and experienced nurses, is healthy and will foreclose the RN from doing something which could cause impairment. Ever considered the expenses of being a travel nurse?

Notice your RN chore now!

RELATED: RN License Transfer and eNLC Guide

RN Orientation and Internships

Most, if not all, new graduate RNs will accept positions at facilities which require additional training. If the position is highly specialized, such as the intensive care unit, emergency room, or labor and delivery, the training will exist longer and more intense than a position in a skilled nursing facility or urgent care.

The skilled nursing facility, urgent care, rehabilitation, and md's office positions will require a facility orientation and training. The majority of skills required to work in these settings were taught in nursing school but grooming and orientation allows the RN to learn how to document and perform tasks in the manner required past the facility. Required skills, such equally administering vaccinations to infants, may not accept been practiced in nursing school and will need to be perfected.

Specialized hospital positions require a facility orientation and preparation too as an intense internship with preceptorship before the RN volition exist able to work without immediate direct supervision.

Internship programs usually consist of a didactic, or classroom/textbook, portion then the hands-on portion. This is the same model as nursing schoolhouse. These programs are usually overseen and managed past nurse educators and the new graduate RN volition non be allowed to accept patient assignments alone without being approved by the educator, among others. This plan is usually well-nigh half-dozen months in length.

Maintaining RN Licensure

RN licensure data tin can be establish on as well as your actual newspaper license issued past the country. Exist certain to proceed track of when it expires and renew before it does. If a RN allows the license to elapse he or she volition exist suspended from work until it is renewed, ordinarily for an additional fee.

Some states require standing education units (CEUs) for renewal. These are offered at most facilities for required or optional classes and for required certifications, such as Advanced Cardiac Life Back up or Basic Life Support both chief and renewal classes. CEUs tin can as well be found online for free and requiring payment. The RN is responsible for knowing CEU renewal requirements for the state in which he or she is licensed. If the RN is ever audited by the State Lath he or she will need to show evidence of CEU completion.

No matter which specialty is chosen a career in nursing is a dynamic and lucrative selection. It's the type of career where experience can transfer to many areas of nursing assuasive for alter. Individuals attracted to careers in nursing tend to be highly intelligent, compassionate, and dedicated. For those who like alter and a career with high stakes it may be a bang-up fit.

What Is A Practicing Registered Nurse,


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